What is Domino?
Domino is a type of game that involves placing a series of tiles end to end in long lines, then knocking them over. This simple act causes the next domino in the line to tip over, and so on until all the dominoes are tipped and a chain reaction takes place. The process is known as the domino effect, and it can be used to create complex designs that illustrate a variety of themes. It is also a metaphor for how one action can cause a sequence of events with larger, sometimes catastrophic, consequences.
The word domino is derived from the Latin dominus, meaning “lord” or “master.” The word is used in English to refer to a block of wood, or more generally, any sort of toy or game that is played with a wooden or plastic board and pieces. Traditionally, dominoes are rectangular or square in shape and characterized by black or white pips on a single face. They are often painted or stained with a pattern, such as an image of a person or animals. Dominoes have been made from a variety of materials, including silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, ebony, and various hardwoods; some sets feature the top half thickness in MOP or ivory, while the lower half is carved from dark wood such as ebony. Some modern sets use polymer instead of traditional materials, but such materials may not be as durable as a quality wooden set.
There are many different games that can be played with dominoes, and most involve scoring points or blocking opponents’ play. Some are simply a matter of laying dominoes edge to edge so that the adjacent ends show either identical numbers (such as a string of five) or form some specified total. Others are more strategic, such as a game in which each player places a domino so that the exposed ends touch each other (i.e., one’s touching two’s).
Hevesh, a domino artist who has created mind-blowing installations that can take several nail-biting minutes for all the dominoes to fall, says that she uses science to help her plan her creations. For example, she considers the laws of gravity when she builds her massive setups. She explains that as a domino falls, it converts its potential energy into kinetic energy, which then transmits to the next domino and provides the push to send it crashing down.
In addition to planning her sets, Hevesh also considers the ways in which she can best communicate with her team. As a manager, she promotes the value of listening to employees and encouraging them to express their opinions. She is a strong believer that this will ultimately benefit the company and ensure that the team is aligned behind its goals. She has also implemented initiatives such as a flexible dress code and new leadership training programs that have helped the company grow. These strategies have also been reflected in the results of a recent Detroit Free Press survey, which ranked Domino’s as a top workplace.