The Domino Effect
Dominoes are fun to play with. You can set them up in straight and curved lines, create grids that form pictures when they fall, or even build 3D structures such as towers and pyramids. But what really makes domino so exciting is the way that a small action can lead to big results. This is what physicist Stephen Morris calls the domino effect.
When you knock over the first domino, it sets off a chain reaction that causes the other pieces to topple in turn. This is because each of the dominoes has a certain amount of potential energy. But the more that a domino is pushed over, the more that energy is converted to kinetic energy — the energy of motion. Once the potential energy of a domino is exhausted, it falls over, and its kinetic energy is transferred to the next domino in line. This continues until the entire line of dominoes has fallen over.
While many people enjoy playing domino games for entertainment, it is also a great way to learn math and problem solving skills. In addition, dominoes can be used for artistic purposes to make stunning sculptures and art pieces. For example, Hevesh5, a popular YouTuber who uses dominoes to create amazing artwork, has amassed more than 2 million subscribers on her channel. She has even created domino art for movies and TV shows, including the album launch of Katy Perry.
In the past, dominoes were made of bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, or dark hardwoods such as ebony, with contrasting black or white pips inlaid or painted. More recently, some sets have been made from polymer materials such as plastic or resin. Domino sets can also be found in more luxurious, expensive natural materials like marble, granite, and soapstone; metals such as brass or pewter; ceramic clay; or even frosted glass.
A domino is a small rectangular block of wood or plastic, the face of which is divided into two parts, each bearing from one to six pips or dots resembling those on dice. The complete set consists of 28 such blocks. The word is also used for a game played with such blocks, or for any of the various games in which the pieces are matched by their ends and laid down in lines or angular patterns.
The term domino is also used as an idiom to describe any situation in which a small trigger leads to a larger series of events. The example most often cited is the collapse of Communist states in Indochina, which was predicted by political commentator Arthur Alsop in a 1955 column in Time magazine using the domino principle. The principle is also sometimes applied to events in the stock market or other fields of human endeavor.
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